

 Previews and history of Alibaba Group all you need to know

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Alibaba Group is a mega holding Chinese company, it have gain it's reputation as one of the top e-commerce company in the world. It provides business to consumers,business to business and consumers to consumers retail and wholesale sales services through the Internet. It's also have an online (electronic) payment system, a custom search engine for its online Shopping sites, a computerized cloud storage service. Alibaba Group began its vision in 1999 when it founder Jack MA established the website and called it alibaba It main purpose is to create a Global business to business online portal to connect all Chinese suppliers and manufacturers with the world market and global buyers overseas. In 2012 alone, alibabahave a profit of $170 billion (1.1 trillion yuan) from two of its online portals. Alibaba Group (aliexpress) is based primarily and operate from the Republic of China. After the closing hour on the very day of the first initial public offering, September 19 2014. Alibaba Group market value was estimated to have worth US$231 Billion (US DOLLARS)
Alibaba Group soughed an I PO after a failed negotiation with Hong Kong market regulators in the United States of America in September 2013. It started Operating (Trading) in America Stock Exchange Market in September 2014 after a careful planning that occur over a period of 12 months. The Alibaba market Reuters trading (instrument) code is BABA.N, The initial IPO price that was raised was US$21.8 Billion, it was later increased to $25 Billion US Dollars. Which made it the largest Initial Public offering (IPO) in world History. Because of the people Republic of China foreign policy and ownership rules that forbid foreign investors of ownership, Traders and buyers where not allowed to purchase actual shares but instead were purchasing shares from a Cayman shell island company. Alibaba's Taobao is the consumer to consumer online portal that is similar to America shopping site contain almost a billion online products and it's one of the most visited websites in the world because it's among the top 20 most searched website Globally. Alibaba's websites recorded a very high number of sales that accounted for more than 60% of the packages delivered in and around China as at March 2013. And 80% of china's online marketing sales in September 2014. Alipay, it's free online payment system also accounted for almost half of all the online method of payment and transactions inside China alone.
Alibaba have already negotiated a mega deal with snapdeal in India because of the it's plan to enter india, the deal was made in September 2014
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